Higher Education in India
Once again we are out from the list of top 200 universities around the world. Recently QS World University Ranking 2011 released the list of world's top Universities with Cambridge, Harvard, MIT, Yale, and Oxford listed in top five. Among Indian Universities IIT Delhi, IIT Mumbai, and IIT Madras were placed on 218, 225 and 281 rank respectively; last year the ranks were 202, 287 and 262 respectively.
QS World University Ranking is one of the world's three most prestigious and recognized ranking list. The assessment is done on the basis of quality of research, academic excellence, and employers goodwill. University ranking has been controversial since long as it as different ranking lists have different order for same institution. The reason behind this difference is unavailability of standard measures and model.
Some well known institutions like IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Roorkee, Delhi University, Pune University, Mumbai University etc. failed to find their place in the list.
Many may argue as it makes no difference what list says because Indian institutions are capable enough to fulfill the requirement and desire of employers as well as students. Such arguments can not be entertained in the era of globalization specially if India is being counted as second fastest growing economy of the world.
If we think deliberately, one of the reason behind being successful and powerful economies of the world is world class higher education facility. US, Japan, China, UK, France, Germany, South Korea like countries can be connected easily for a series of examples in support of above statement.
In 21st century industrial development has a strong relation with financial capital, modern technologies, innovations and talented human resource. All these factors have been liberated from the boundary of the nations because of globalisation. One can easily find these factors in abundance in the countries having capacity to attract. Similarly the migration of capital, talent, technology and innovation from insensitive countries can be seen easily.
Research and analysis work is one of the most common and prior activity in the world class education and institutions. According to famous academician Philip G. Altbach there is an extensive requirement of research universities in every country in order to increase participation of knowledge for the economic development. These universities follows traditional Humboldt Model for the search of knowledge.
The list of top Asian University (QS World University Ranking 2011) bestow little respect for India including few more names, still we are lagging far behind countries like Japan, China, South Korea, as their 57, 40 and 35 institutions are listed. It must be noted that 60 years ago India and China were on same level in higher education.
As research mode for PG and Ph. D programs requires more resources in comparison, so can be operated only with the support from Central Government. India Private Sector and State Governments have not shown any interest in this regard (except some announcements only). We have a fresh example from my state Bihar, where ambitious Nalanda University project is under disputes.
In 11th five years plan Govt. of India aimed to establish 30 new Central Universities, 8 new IITs, 7 new IIMs, 37 new Engineering Colleges, and 373 new other colleges at district level. For this around Rs. 80,000 crore were spent. Most of institutions started officially but any expectation of functionality at par with national standard (forget International) is still a dream of many.
On the ground of contemporary policy it is almost impossible to establish world class institution, as for its execution it will need a policy which can insure intellectual liberty, integrity and accountability of students and faculties involved in research. New policy for the entry of foreign universities and corporate in the higher educational sector is still in the files of ministries. We need a national policy with value like transparency, integrity, accountability, sustainability, decentralisation , diversity and an architecture that may convince and attract our academicians working in top universities across the globe and bring them back.
It may look like a dream to establish or upgrade 50 Universities like Nalanda and Takshashila by 2031 but not an impossible task for a great nation like INDIA.
Higher Education in India
Reviewed by Kumar Prafull
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Rating: 5
Indian Politics: Urgent Changes Required
There is a big difference in the social and economical framework of Indian and European society there might be several reasons but one of the important is the difference in political temperament of these countries. In India even after 64 years of independence our political ethics is in childhood. We need to have a knowledge driven political system like in most of developed countries of western world.
In today's scenario we have a mindset and see politician as a millionaire; why this happens? Unless you become a millionaire you can't be a politician or if you are a politician you must have at least millions in your account. We must note that MLAs and MPs receive a fixed salary. We all know the showcase of family business and other sources of income is how much trust worthy.
Why can't people just work as a politician as we see people working for any MNC, Govt. enterprise, Organisations etc. with full dedication? Reason is obvious, we don't see any promising and sustainable career until getting elected for MLA, MLC, MP etc. We all know it takes long for getting elected as MLA or MP and it is not a permanent post, then on what basis the system has been offering them payment for the period of their service as representative only. The flaw is in the root of the fundamental structure of this system it creates greed for money rather will for service. We all want economical security and for this we work day-night same the politicians do. I don't find any reason why should avoid a chance for being corrupted? They did a struggle for life without any remuneration unless they got elected, and future after next election is in uncertainty so corruption becomes a natural phenomena. In ideal case the struggle should begin with getting a victory in election, struggle for the welfare of masses, struggle for accomplishment of commitments. But scene is opposite, a victory in election means a win over chest of KUBER.
While discussing about politics as a career option, people don't even take a second before shooting the question "How can politics be a career option for a highly qualified youth?" Yes it could be just some changes are needed to be done but not easy to get it done. We must give a passage to talented and visionary youth for the front row of political system. Today either a son of billionaire, a well known criminal with enormous money, a industrialist having almost no idea about middle and lower class life, a successful professional who opted politics as the charm and glamor fascinated him lot, a spiritual or say religious leader, an actor, and last but not the least family of a politician have the passport to enter into politics as they can survive and even easily get elected on the power of money. The chain must be broken as we can see the real time status of our society.
We need to have a national political association (something similar to ICAI, Bar Association etc.) and a fellowship for every politics fellow selected after an examination conducted periodically on state level. We also need to amend our constitutional provision regarding eligibility for contesting in elections, we need to add a mandatory association with the aforesaid political association. We can encourage educated, capable and talented youth for joining politics by providing financial liberty, and this can be done by giving a suitable stipend for their contribution in politics. This thing can be diversified by adding education and research along.
In earlier part I compared Indian political system with western, I agree they also don't have such system but still they have knowledge and facts based politics because of standard of literacy among masses there. We may have satisfactory literacy percentage but the standard of knowledge is unsatisfactory even for educated people mostly in rural areas. And it does not sound logical that we can teach them, but we can make a change in our system until all become of somewhat similar knowledge level.
On the bottom note bureaucrats don't see any direct accountability to public but politicians do. It is rather easy to bring a healthy environment among politicians than among bureaucrat but one thing is sure if one of these get cleaned other will have to follow the path.
Indian Politics: Urgent Changes Required
Reviewed by Kumar Prafull
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Rating: 5

Many good moments = A happy life
The summation of thousands of small happy and sad moments is called life. Sometimes it is easy to take decision, on others it becomes hard. For the same issue we have different set of opinion under different circumstances. We live a large life but in small pieces. It is better to collect and spread smiles often than waiting and planning for bigger surprises occasionally.
In our daily practice we think it is a very small gift and she/he probably don't need it, this is not important for her/him, I will think about something better, it is not the right time, will see some other day, etc. And we lose some of the precious happy moment. It is better to see smile every day than a bigger smile seldom.
People don't like you because what you are but how you behave right at the moment. We don't have a programmed observation and logical conclusion generation capacity. We are human not computers which reflects same result every time we calculate for a set of data. We take input according to our perspective and our mindsets. We analyze things as we want to see them. We get influenced, we get infatuated, we get distorted, we add emotions, we add intuitions, we add imaginations, and many other parameters during our thinking and decision making process.
In love affairs we use to say "the most important thing is we love each other". No doubt this is soul of relationship but I don't think this is most important. In my eyes the most important is how many times you use to distort your line of priority or you leave you zone of comfort for the sake of her/him happiness.
Few says the importance of happiness will go down if it will become a usual factor. They may be right but think, in this way the importance of unhappy moments will go up so you may won't get very upset when next time they knock your door. Life is very small so let's enjoy on regular basis.
Many good moments = A happy life
Reviewed by Kumar Prafull
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Rating: 5
A long awaited initiative
“There must be a synchronisation between your ideas and your practices.”
I was waiting for a right time so I can execute some of the own and borrowed ideas since long. But today I am sure that there is no right time for an entrepreneur to start execution. However, seed money is a factor that cannot be avoided.
Recently I have started a small web based business about which I was thinking for last five years. This can be counted as first one for profit.
For non profit initiatives, it is often uneasy to initiate but as you go it become exciting with the fuel called appreciation. People start accepting you and early or late your venture become the only choice of many. In my opinion the best time of learning is the duration before we complete first lap, for me those were most memorable days of my entrepreneurial life.
Once someone told me "Success is directly proportional to struggle." I guess we all agree if we have ever done or tried to do something in the right way.
A long awaited initiative
Reviewed by Kumar Prafull
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Rating: 5
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