Jan Lokpal And The Public Agitation To Achieve It
If everything will go fine, Anna Hazare will end his fast today by 10AM. Congratulations! we won the fight against our own government. Government accepted our demands ... I beg your pardon, which demands? how we won the fight against corruption? Yet we have miles to go. People from India Against Corruption forwarded a draft of Jan Lokpal Bill and ended the movement by accepting few of their members in just an another committee yet to be formed for drafting a complete new Lokpal Bill or say Jan Lokpal Bill. What about the draft earlier forwarded, the draft which mobilized millions of Indians to support and stand with Anna Hazare? Now, what's the guarantee that they'll push for a good law in a way better than politicians? We supposed we are fighting for the current Jan Lokpal Bill will be the first draft of the upcoming law. Don't ask me to trust anyone, are you sure, we are not being betrayed by these civil society elites?
"Bypassing democratic processes for political expediency, however desirable the outcome, may be detrimental to democracy itself." someone from MKSS stated. Yeah, we are taking a great risk for renaissance of our society, and I am ready to take this risk. Unknowingly we are empowering and encouraging the government for bypassing the democratic process, it may cause undesirable outcome in future.
My only humble request to our civil society elites "Please, Don't Let Us Down".
Jan Lokpal And The Public Agitation To Achieve It
Reviewed by Kumar Prafull
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Rating: 5